The editorial committee of Altarul Reîntregirii Theological Journal announces the journal issue topics for 2023:
- 1/2023 – Connecting Liturgy and Missiology: paradigms, expectations, results (deadline: December 31, 2022)
- 2/2023 – The biotechnological revolution and the new human frontiers from a moral christian perspective (deadline: February 28, 2023)
- 3/2023 – Hans Urs von Balthasar – from the Church Fathers to the mystique of Adrienne von Speyr (deadline: August 31, 2023)
The editorial committee of Altarul Reîntregirii Theological Journal announces the journal issue topics for 2022:
- 1/2022 – Saint Luke the Evangelist – Exegetical and Theological Studies (deadline: December 31, 2021)
- 2/2022 – Spiritual practices for an urban hesychasm. Prayer and asceticism in a consumer society (deadline: February 28, 2022)
- 3/2022 – The philosophy of reinterpretation applied to new spiritual contexts: post-pandemic faith and transhumanism (deadline: August31, 2022)
The editorial committee of Altarul Reîntregirii Theological Journal announces the journal issue topics for 2021:
- 1/2021 – “Into thine hand I commit my spirit, Lord…” (Psalm 30, 5): Historical, liturgical and pastoral aspects of the funerals (deadline: December 31, 2020)
- 2/2021 – Christian Hymnography: old and new Hermeneutic perspectives (deadline: February 28, 2021)
- 3/2021 – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… ” (Mt. 28. 19). Foreign overseas, Home in Orthodoxy (deadline: August31, 2021)
The editorial committee of Altarul Reîntregirii Theological Journal announces the journal issue topics for 2020:
- 1/2020 – Martyrology and anti-communist resistance (deadline: March 30, 2020)
- 2/2020 – “To the healing of soul and body”. Pastoral-missionary challenges of a sanitary and spiritual scourge (deadline: July 30, 2020)
- 3/2020 – Family and education in postmodern society (deadline: October 30, 2020)
For those who intend to publish in one of the Journal’s thematic issue, they are asked to send, by the announced deadline, the title of the paper, the summary and the key words to the editorial office. The confirmation of the intention to publish and the information related to the submission deadline for the full version of the text will be sent by the editorial committee. Information on the techno-editing rules can be found in the “for authors” section of the website.